Dealing With Wind and Weather Damage
Wind damage often evokes images of hurricanes and tornadoes but hailstorms and windstorms can also cause extensive damage to the interior and exterior of your home or business. Any damage done to your property today, regardless of size and scope, can lead to related damages down the road. It is imperative to identify this type of damage extensively to file a successful claim. A skilled adjuster can help you negotiate an entire roof replacement instead of a spot repair that might be insufficient.
Coastal Public Adjusting assist you by:
- Reviewing, and Interpreting Policy to Determine Maximum Benefits
- Compiling an Inventory of Lost Items
- Estimating Building and Property Damage
- Preparing Claims for Loss of Rental or Interrupted Business
- Contacting Professional Licensed Restoration Companies
- Helping you Secure Temporary Housing or Filing a Loss of Rental Claim
(If you have a tenant) - Contacting Specialized Debris Clean-up & Emergency Services
(Boarding, Temporary Repairs) - Assistance in Securing Advanced Monies
- Negotiating your claim
What You Can Do To Get Started
If you can safely reenter the building, find these documents whenever possible:
Id's, insurance paperwork, and any medical and financial information as well as other property that is valuable to you, such as cash, jewelry, mementos, wedding albums and more. Be careful not to disturb the scene as well. Do NOT discard property that has been damaged and document your losses with photos and video. Cover what you can with tarps and boards to prevent further damages; and keep detailed receipts throughout this process for any expenditure.