Dealing With Burglary
The most difficult part of filing a claim after your home or business has been burglarized can be itemizing all that has been stolen. After listing the most obvious items, recalling what is missing can be harder than it seems. Let Coastal public adjusting take action right away to help you maximize compensation and itemize your losses. Determining the extent of your losses and filing your claim quickly and efficiently can greatly impact your settlement.

Coastal Public Adjusting assist you by:
- Negotiating your claim
- Estimating Building and Property Damage
- Preparing Claims for Loss of Rental or Interrupted Business
- Contacting Specialized Debris Clean-up & Emergency Services
(Boarding, Temporary Repairs) - Reviewing, and Interpreting Policy to Determine Maximum Benefits
- Estimating extent of Clean Up
- Contacting Professional Licensed Restoration Companies
- Assistance in Securing Advanced Monies
What You Can Do To Get Started
Contact the Police as soon as possible, file a report and obtain a copy for your records. Make a list of items stolen and help substantiate your claim by taking pictures or video after the burglary. This can be compelling proof when filing your claim. Even if you do not have before and after photograph/video to support your claim, an experienced public adjuster can help by knowing what questions to ask and what items to mention to help you recall items you might have omitted.